We made it to week 3

Time is flying at Nydum.

Between guided and Mysore style Ashtanga practices, Vinyasa sessions and workshops, all of us teaching classes in turns and self-study, the time during this third week flew.

With all that moving and shaking, my underlying theme, particularly towards the end of the week, could only have been about sitting quietly with my emotions. My more welcoming attitude paid back.

While I believe I am emotionally centred yet flexible to handle pretty much anything, the vigorous practice made space for some of those emotions to bubble up, right in the middle of the early morning practices - a real surprise.

I am also the kind of person that does not always listen to what the emotions of the moment have to say. I tend to move fast, believing that speed will help me leave unwanted emotions behind.

This week the emotions caught up with me right from the beginning. Luckily the pearls of wisdom shared by Ciara since the training started helped me as the days went by.

The intense Hip Opening Workshop conducted by Ciara has also facilitated the release, and if the weeks before I came down to the shala about 30 minutes ahead of practice, in the last few days, I made it almost one hour. Sitting more or less quietly, checking in not only with the body but also with the emotions early in the day, allowed me to be progressively more ready to welcome whatever was left to come out later on during the physical practice.
The Self-Expression workshop was also a booster, and I believe it helped all of us better channel our voices for the efficacy of the classes we are teaching.
The week ended with the most intense yet refreshing Vinyasa session conducted by Edu and the first part of the exam relevant to Anatomy and Alignment. I feel lighter now.

Last week also created the opportunity for reflecting and journaling on the implementation of the Niyamas presented by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The open discussions during the Yoga Philosophy sessions were highly stimulating. Gregor Maehle's commentaries from his Ashtanga Yoga book are very clear.The previous week's talks were about the Yamas, and the shares from all of us were also inspiring.
Another one is under the belt.

We will all miss Nydum.



and we got to the end of the training


Change in the challenges